Monday 2 December 2013

Liberty City RCMP crackdown on car thefts with Bait Car operations.

 A man in a green hoodie and blue jeans strolls past a normal looking car. Where? East Cody Street. The car? A beige Bigaro. He quickly glances around and tries the door handle. Surprise! It opens! He slides into the drivers seat and starts her up. He pulls out into traffic with hundreds of other normal cars. Little does he know he's being watched. Pairs of hard trained eyes bore into the back of his head. For him its just another prize. Maybe he'll keep it. Maybe he'll sell it to some guy who'll have it sent to Mexico or Europe. Or he could give it to the drug dealer in Outlook Park who'll give him a wad of cash and some crack. But the brains behind the watching eyes no different. As the car passes a gas station a marked RCMP SUV whelps it's siren and peels away from the curb. Somewhere an officer presses a button. The car shuts down and the doors lock shut. The man is stunned and frozen in surprise. But not the eyes. Sirens start up and red and blue lights splash across the Bigaro's windshield. Officers, guns drawn, rush from their cars shouting commands. A police helicopter flies low overhead. The SUV pulls up behind the car and a high ranking officer leaps out, his sidearm aimed at the man's head. Another button is pressed and the doors unlock. Officers rush over and cuff the man who, in shock and surprise, complies. A search turns up a box cutter hidden in the man's sock. The arresting officer jokes with his superior, the SUV's driver. For them, its just another take down, just another arrest, just another day. For the car thief; the day he learned crime doesn't pay.

 The events above took place on Nov 30th 2013 when LC RCMP officers set up a bait car on East Cody Street. The take down took place moments later.

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