Cst. Hamie911 of the LC RCMP issued the following statement 23 hours ago:
All LCAS, LCFR and OCC members,
Please be advised that the last portion of the Beta Testing for Auxiliary Constable will be coming to a close. If you are interested in becoming one of the first batch of Auxiliary Constables.
You MUST send Cpl. Francisco and Cst. Hamie a PM stating you would like to be a part of this program by December 27 at 1600hrs Clan Time. If you have already applied and have yet to receive your interview please let us know and we will get your interview done. Interviews take approximately 10-15 minutes.
Thank you,
Cst. Hamie
Auxiliary Constable Program Coordinator
DISCLAIMER: A large section of this text has been copied and pasted form http://www.gta-rcmpclan.ca/forum/m/4724576/viewthread/10054255-auxiliary-constable-recruitment-deadline/post/last#last It has been only copied and pasted as it is an information piece. For more information on our COpy and Paste-INFOrmation Rules (COP-INFOR) click HERE. All credit to Cst. Hamie911.