Monday 3 March 2014

Here come the boys in pink...

 The Liberty City RCMP's Boys in Blue became the Boys in Pink in support of Pink Shirt Day by donning pink uniforms. All uniformed officers donned pink shirts in support against Anti-Bullying Day. Officers conducted normal duties while wearing the unifrom for the second time.

 Anti-Bullying Day (a.k.a. Pink Shirt Day) is a day celebrated on various dates across the world, originating in Canada and most commonly known in North America. It takes place on the last Wednesday of February or the second Thursday in September. It originally started as a protest against a bullying incident at Central Kings Rural High School in Nova Scotia when a grade nine student, Charles McNeill, arrived to school wearing a pink shirt. On this day and was bullied for it. Many of those who participate wear pink to symbolize a stand against bullying.

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